The origin of the establishment of the State of Indonesia

History of Indonesia includes a very long span of time which started since prehistoric times by the “Java man at the time of about 500,000 years ago. The period in the history of Indonesia can be divided into five eras: pre-colonial empires, the rise ofHindu-Buddhist and Islam in Java and Sumatra which relied mostly on trade; the colonial era, the influx of Europeans (especially the Netherlands) who wants spice led tocolonization by the Netherlands for about 3,5 centuries between the early 17th centuryto the mid 20th century; the era of independence, after the proclamation of the independence of Indonesia (1945) until the fall of Sukarno (1966); the new order era,32 years of Suharto’s reign (19661998); as well as the reform era that lasted until now.

Pre colonial Era

India scholars have written about Dwipantara or Java Hindu Kingdom Dwipa on Java and Sumatra around 200 BC the Tarumanagara Kingdom ruled the West Java around the year 400. In 425 Buddhism reached the region. At the time of the European Renaissance, Java and Sumatra has had its heritage of civilization thousands of yearsold and along the two great empires of Srivijaya and Majapahit in Java, Sumatra and the western part of Java Island, inherited the Tarumanagara Kingdom of civilization andthe Sunda Kingdom.


Geologically, the area of modern Indonesia appeared roughly around the Pleistocenewhen still connected to the Asian mainland. The first settlers of the region is a knownJava man at about 500,000 years ago. Indonesia islands such as the one currentlyformed when ice melelehnya after the end of the last ice age.

The Hindu-Buddhist Kingdoms

In the fourth century to the seventh century in the West Java region there areHinduBuddhist Kingdom of Tarumanagara who continued with the Sunda Kingdomuntil the 16th century. During the 7th century until the 14th century, the BuddhistKingdom of Srivijaya flourished on Sumatra. The Chinese traveller I Ching visited its capital Palembang circa 670. At its height, the Empire controlled the area as far as West Java and the Malay Peninsula. The 14th century also witnessed the rise of a Hindu Kingdom of Majapahit in East JavaVizier of Majapahit between 1331 to 1364, Gajah Mada successfully gained control ofthe region that is now largely Indonesia along with almost the entire Malay Peninsula.The legacy of the Gajah Mada including codification of law and in Javanese culture, as seen in the epic Ramayana.

The Islamic Empire

Islam as a rule present in Indonesia around the 12th century, but actually had already entered Islam to Indonesia in the 7th century AD. At that time there was already a busy shipping lane and internationally through the Malacca Strait which connects the Tang dynasty of China, the Srivijaya empire in Southeast Asia and the Umayyads in Western Asia since the 7th century. According to Chinese sources toward the end ofthe third quarter of the century 7, an Arab merchants became the leader of the Arabmuslim settlement on the coast of Sumatra. Islam also gives influence to the existing political institutions. It appears in 100 H (718M) the King of Srivijaya Jambi named Srindravarman sent a letter to Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz from the Bani Umayyah Caliphate request sent da’i who could explainIslam to him. The letter reads: “From the King in the King who is the offspring of a thousand Kings, whose wife is also the grandson of a thousand Kings, who in a cagebreeding there are a thousand elephants, who are on its territory there are two rivers that irrigate tree Aloe, fragrances of spices, nutmeg and whose fragrant camphor toreach out to a distance of 12 miles, the King of the Arabs who did not associate othergods with God.

I have send you a prize, which is actually a gift that not so many, but merely a sign of friendship. I want you to send me someone who can teach Islam to me and tells me about his laws. Two years later, the year 720 M, King Srindravarman, originally a Hindu, converted to Islam. Sriwijaya Jambi was known by the name Sribuza Islam. Alas,in the year 730 M Sriwijaya Sriwijaya Palembang, Jambi, captured by that still adhere toBuddhism. Islam continues to be a political institution mengokoh carry Islam. For example, anIslamic Sultanate Of Perlak named was founded on the 1st of Muharram year 12 November 225H or 839M. Another example is the Kingdom of Ternate. Islam came to the Kingdom in the Maluku islands this year 1440. His King a Muslim named ShadowUllah.

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